Ever since I was a closeted boy watching the Phantom of the Opera for the first time, I knew there was something special, mysterious, and downright arousing about a masked man. Their features being obscured, there’s something so incredibly sexy about a man who is keeping their identity hidden and you can’t help but want more. At Maskurbate, the masked men are willing to give it all to ou, other than their full identity that is.
You will find a variet f content here to turn you on. Some of the videos feature solo masked men as they masturbate furiously for the camera. There are loads of handjobs and also some blowjobs as well. Sometimes just one man will be masked, othertimes both will. There’s even a selection of videos that show a straight man wearing a hood so he can’t see anything and he ends up being pleasured by another man even though we know he’s envisioning a woman. It’s so hot!
Jump on this opportunity to get an up to 76% off discount to Maskurbate before it’s too late.